Drug and Alcohol Treatment

COMPASS Behavioral Health (Mental Health & Addictions) provides high-quality drug and alcohol prevention, intervention, counseling and addiction treatment designed to strengthen and improve the well-being of children, families and the community.

Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Services

Individual Counseling

Services for the individual that aren’t seen as being substance dependent but are engaged in a pattern of behavior that includes abuse of a substance.  Case Management may compliment the counseling services.

Intensive Outpatient Program

An outpatient treatment program, consisting of traditional group therapy, individual sessions, case management, and random drug screening.

Psychiatric/Medical Services

For individuals with a substance abuse and mental health disorder that requires psychotropic medication management. Services include psychiatric evaluation, medication management, and nursing services through referral to a psychiatrist whose practice includes addiction.

Co-occurring Disorders

For individuals with a substance use disorder compounded by another mental health diagnosis.

Residential Services

Industry Referral-Only Program. Residential rehabilitation centers have been developed to help those with severe and persistent mental health addiction treatments.

Help for families

Parent education and services designed with the goal of preventing substance abuse in youth as well as educating families on the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

Adolescent Services

Individual counseling sessions designed for teens who have experienced negative consequences due to a pattern of substance abuse.

Women’s Program (WIN)

Focuses on the needs of women in treatment. WIN offers a support group that addresses alcohol/drug use, codependency, victim issues, etc.

Medically Assisted Treatment

Access to Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) through our partner, Meridian Healthcare.

Youth intervention programs

The Family Court Referral Program educates teens with first-time non-violent drug and alcohol offenses as a diversion from Juvenile Court. The School Referral Program is a resource for school officials when encountering students who violate school policy related to alcohol or other drug use.

Workplace and community

Educational workshops, management training, and workplace seminars are available concerning alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.

Criminal Court Programs

Offered to both juveniles and adults.  Provides individual and group counseling services, as well as pyscho-education, case management, random urine screening, psychiatric consultation, and intervention services.  Jail counseling and interventions also available.

School-based Prevention

Educational programs are available concerning alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, bullying, and life skills.

Click to see all prevention services.