Talk to a Counselor
Same day appointments available. Short term, solution-focused counseling available. Our counselors provide individual, family, couples and group counseling dealing with a range of issues which include:
Guest speakers
Our staff is available to speak to civic groups, schools, churches, clubs and other community organizations. Call 330-782-5664 for information.
Appointments and insurance information
Call 330-782-5664 to schedule an appointment. Treatment costs are based on a sliding fee scale. We accept private insurance, medicaid, and medicare.
Criminal Justice Services
Services for Offenders in the Mahoning County Justice Center
The program offers an option for individuals with a severe mental illness who have been charged with crimes and are incarcerated at the Mahoning County Justice Center. Services include mental health assessments, individual counseling, and anger management groups. The intent is to ensure mental health services to inmates and also to provide community linkages for them in preparation for release.
The CARES program through the Mahoning County Mental Health Court is an option for individuals with severe mental illness who have been charged with felonies and are facing a potential jail sentence. The primary goal is to keep defendants psychiatrically stable and crime-free by teaching them to make healthy changes in their lives.
Referrals can be made by the presiding Judge, prosecutor, or an individual’s attorney at the time of arraignment. Once a referral has been made, the individual will be contacted for an evaluation to see if they meet the eligibility requirements.
Individuals charged with crimes of violence will only be accepted with prior victim consent. Individuals charged with sex offenses or lengthy histories of crime, drug abuse, and violence are not eligible.
Primary service providers include COMPASS Family & Community Services, Community Support Network (CSN), Ohio Adult Parole Authority, and the Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas – Judge Maureen A. Sweeney.